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Mi Frida (Pino Lella)

Project Description:


The project was a follow up on us learning and watching a movie about Frida Khalo. We all made a painting of a significant figure that went through a struggle. We also had to base our painting off of a painting Frida already painted. So instead of some of the more personal touches, Frida had we added personal touches that apply to the struggle the person you chose faced. 


So here is the final painting:


Project Reflection:


  1. Why do you think Frida Kahlo painted so many autobiographical paintings of herself?

    1. I think she painted so many autobiographical paintings because of her leg being messed up. So she needed a place to put down her feelings. 


  1. How do you feel that your image came out?

    1. I think that my painting turned out all right. I definitely could have used some more time to touch it up and make it look more realistic, but with the time we had, I am happy with the result. 


  1. Did you end up with the image you thought you were going to?

    1. I ended up with the general idea of the image I thought of originally, but I decided to do the background one color with some variation instead of a different more descript background. ​


  1. What do you think of Frida and her art now that you know more about her?

    1. I think that she didn't paint for money or fame, she painted just for fun or to pass the time and as a coping mechanism for emotional times. ​

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